
Soft Skill Training

Soft Skill is a term often used by careers advisors and employers to describe the kind of essential personal skills and social capabilities people need to be able to do most jobs. The best thing about soft skills is you don’t need qualifications to get them and you can start working on them right now, whether you are at school, in training or in work.

Here are the soft skill training courses available at Vnohow:

Soft Skill Training

Description Code Day(s) Jul Aug Sep Usual Special Actions
Soft Skill Training
Impactful Presentation SK-IPS 2 Pls. Call Pls. Call Pls. Call 30,000 Pls. Call  
Time Management SK-TMM 1 Pls. Call Pls. Call Pls. Call 15,000 Pls. Call  
Problem Solving and Decision Making SK-PDM 1 Pls. Call Pls. Call Pls. Call 15,000 Pls. Call  
Leadership in New Era SK-LNE 1 Pls. Call Pls. Call Pls. Call 15,000 Pls. Call  
Better Communication and Relationship SK-BCR 1 Pls. Call Pls. Call Pls. Call 15,000 Pls. Call  
Service Excellence SK-SVE 1 Pls. Call Pls. Call Pls. Call 15,000 Pls. Call